
Barsome Interpreted…

Stu's Dreams:

Barsome, one of the first planets discovered to have humanoid life after

the Terran Diaspora, is vaguely similar to Earth, that is it has a

similiar tectonic shift, atmosphere (colours, clouds, etc), and

proximity to the sun (the sun is the same size, but red rather than yellow).

What is different is the glaring lack of moon(s) and its effect on the

planetary evolution of Barsome. Without moons, and the subsequent tidal

forces, Barsome has undergone only minor Ice Ages. The result is

massive mountain ranges caused by tectonic shifts (think the Rockies or

Himalayas but way bigger) that have not been eroded, worn, and smoothed

by glacial action. These mountains are JAGGED, they are rough hewn and

dangerous to most any climber, even those highly proficient in their trade.

Pre-human discovery, the Barsomians (I will describe them later) using

great technological savy, decided that if they could not have tidal

forces naturally, they would make them happen. The result are the

Construct Moons of Barsome, two orbitting satellites, both smaller than

Earth's Luna, that orbit regularly and are designed to house residents,

travellers, etc. Neither moon looks "complete" with scaffolding and

unfinished sectors visible from the ground (picture the Death Star in

Return of the Jedi, but a little more finished).

The Barsomians themselves are "pod people" gestated in thin membranes

and hatched. They are very humanoid, having given credence to some

hyper religious nuts who think that Barsome is a failed experiment by

God. They are on average 7 feet tall, the women half a foot shorter.

They are relatively fit and muscled, the woman more buxom (Giving an

Amazonian aspect) and they have noticeably longer arms than the average

human. There hair is generally black or dark brown, and their eyes

generally black.

EMm’s Notes:

Stu, who’s a good friend, and the one who’s in part responsible for this blog; also much more articulate than I, came up with this world. Emailed the setting to me and said ‘create.’ Left in my capable hands, I took his words and some of my artistic interpretation and molded them together to interpret “his dreams” as he likes to call it. Painting in the order of the paragraphs, and adding or deleting as necessary. Everyone has there own view on what they imagine as the read or are read to. This makes for in interesting take on what you see in your imagination.

Letting out the Image…

I’ve said before, that sometimes you just need to create what’s been on your mind. This is an example of just that. It wasn’t suspended for long, but it needed to be created. I went out and bought the canvas on the same day, and painted until it was finished. Almost like when you exercise you feel better; creating the painting can do the same thing

Keeping it Simple..

You know the saying “Less is more.” It is true for just about anything. Even if what you’re thinking of painting in your head is simple, it can still work with your own style. You can also say “I wonder what that would look like?” Some of you may recognize these as they may be in your house.  The simple is a little less complicated, and may appeal to more people. However, there is always room for new ideas, while keeping your own mark on your work

Alien Landscapes...

It’s been said that some of my paintings resemble alien landscapes. Most likely because some people can’t quite put there finger on what the subject is, or why things are “the wrong colours.” Take these examples, for instance. Whatever the case may be, I’m not going to change my style, just because someone doesn’t understand my way of painting. What it means to you is all that matters

Staying Inside the lines helps us to relax sometimes...

Here is an example of staying inside the lines. Sometimes you do need a good escape. Anyone who’s been on vacation over the cold winter months, or would like to go on vacation, will know what I mean. Started out as some test pieces for my good friend’s laundry room décor ventures, and turned into an escape of sorts. Remembering how it made me feel to be at the beach hearing the waves crashing in and the warm sun on my face. Soooo relaxing!!!!
Suspended Imagination

The Origins of Suspended Imagination

After brainstorming with a good friend, I suddenly remembered a painting that I had done a few years ago. Entitled  "Suspended Imagination." We both agreed that it would suit my serealistic approach to many of my panitings. Always wanting to see the world differently, as if nature was powered by emotions rather than by one hand. ie: you've been in an angry mood therefore the sky is red and everything alive is in a dying state. With my paintings you can always say that there is great emotions attached to them. Even the more accustomed type of paintings that you may see from time to time still have my mark on it. There are yes, also times that I just want to paint the sky blue and the grass green and that's ok too. Ultimately, you should do what makes you happy.
There are some days when I sit down to paint, it's merely to let out an image that has been on my mind for some time, and needs to be painted!
The trick to painting is that you can do whatever you want. Anything is exceptable, to some degree, in our modern  times.
I encourage you to keep painting!!!